We have analysis labo in our company. We can check the NPK content, soil condition and else.
We check the quality of our product as usual. We can keep the high quality product and can supply it to you.
Following is the picture of our analysis labo.
We usually try the growing test for some vegitables and some crops, before we blend new raw materials.
We supply the excellent fertilizer what you are satisfied. Following is the picture of our Growing test labo.
We produce the Bulk Blending Fertilizer in our factory. Our product never include the impurity materials. We sieve second(2) times on the production line. Our Special Blending equipment makes uniform NPK content. You can get a product that you are satisfied. Following is the picture of our Factory.
We can control the stock of product in our warehouse. There is not breaking bag.
And we supply the product to you as beautiful surface. Following is the picture of our warehouse.
<< BB Japanese Fertilizer Producer >>
Central Green co., ltd Postal/Zip code: 959-2335, Address: 3418 Honda, Shibata-City, Niigata-Pref, Japan
Phone: +81-254-32-2363, FAX: +81-254-32-3277, e-mail: central@carrot.ocn.ne.jp